About HedeDanmark
In HedeDanmark, we care for, maintain and develop natural amenities to the benefit of people, environment, climate and society in Denmark and internationally. Professionalism, added value and innovation are our core values.
HedeDanmark a/s is an international landscape construction, trade and service company in the green area and has grown into Denmark's largest and leading supplier of care and maintenance services for the forests, open areas, gardens, parks as well as open spaces in cities. We are a part of Hedeselskabet, which is working to promote the development of natural values and natural resources.
Profit to the benefit of Danish society
- approx. 900 employees
- +150 years' experience in forest and landscape
- head office in Viborg
- turnover of approx. DKK 2.1 billion in 2022
- approx. 25 offices across Denmark
- offices in Germany, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
- trading with some 50 countries throughout the world
- highly profitable growth for more than 10 years
- one of the highest satisfaction scores among customers and employees
Who owns HedeDanmark?
HedeDanmark a/s is owned by Hedeselskabet, an association with a status as a commercial foundation.
What are the profits used for?
The part of HedeDanmark’s current profit which is not used to develop our business is invested in innovation projects and the like through Hedeselskabet. The objective is to further society’s development of good natural or environmental solutions and to support projects to the benefit of nature and society.
Our business areas
HedeDanmark is a market leader in the Danish market in nearly all of the group’s business areas.
Landscaping, playgrounds and outdoor spaces Through our landscape construction departments, we handle engineering and renovation work which expresses quality and creativity, such as green and grey landscape gardening, playgrounds and scented gardens. |
Sale of forest equipment Through our HD 2412 department, previously called "HedeDanmark Skovudstyr", we supply all types of equipment to Christmas tree producers, nurseries, landscape gardeners, etc. |
Planting and landscaping We have many years' experience in all types of planting in open areas, such as forestation, energy crops, shelter belts, wildlife sanctuaries and plantations along roads and lay-bys. |
Reuse of residual products Today, HedeDanmark’s business unit for the reuse of residual products is Denmark's leading operator when it comes to handling and utilising residual products for agricultural purposes, feed, etc. |
Nature preservation, rehabilitation, etc. We handle all types of nature projects for local and other authorities, such as coast protection, climate proofing, nature rehabilitation or care jobs in lakes, waterways, meadows, marshes, moors, etc. |
Seeds and plants Through our own forest seeds department, we have many years' experience with the processing, development and sale of high-quality seeds for customers in Denmark, Europe and North America. |
Forest management and sale of wood chip, raw wood, etc. Our forest services are based on 150 years' experience and on a profound understanding of the forest as well as the needs of the forest owner. We handle everything from forest management to trade in raw wood and wood chip as well as forest investments. |
Outdoor Facility Services Through our Outdoor Facility Services departments, we maintain green areas and carry out facility services, road services, greenkeeping, winter services and pest control for thousands of companies as well as municipalities in Denmark. |
Export of Christmas trees Our HD NordicTrees business unit purchases and produces Christmas trees and greenery for sale on the European market where we sell some 700,000 Christmas trees and 1,000 tons of greenery a year. |
Digital IoT solutions One of our latest business areas are selling digital IoT solutions with sensors for the green sector in Denmark and internationally. |
HedeDanmark in Denmark
We know that speed and local knowledge are often important to our customers. Through our complete network of local operating centres, carefully selected subcontractors and access to a wide range of machinery, we have made sure that we are able to guarantee speedy call-outs throughout Denmark and to islands connected to the mainland by bridges.
HedeDanmark internationally
The international activities include the purchase and sale of, among other things, wood, grounds development, grounds care and the provision and management of forest properties and facilities. HedeDanmark is one of the largest managers of forests in the Baltic area.
Our international family
HedeDanmark's international activities do business under their own names and brands customised to the customers' needs in the local markets. However, one thing all of our foreign brands have in common is ”HD” which shows the world that we are all part of the same company and share a common history and the same values across borders.
In Denmark and abroad you can meet these international members of our brand family:
Brand | Services | Major markets |
HD NordicTrees | Trade in Christmas trees and greenery | Major part of Europe |
HD BioRec | Environment and recycling | Sweden |
HD Forest | Forest management and investment | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania |
HD Silva | Trade in raw wood and wood chip | Europe and internationally |
HD Seed | Trade in and processing of seeds | Europe and internationally |
HD 2412 | Sale of equipment for Christmas tree production | Denmark, Germany and UK |
HD LogSystems | Digital photo measurement of raw wood stacks. | Denmark, Germany, etc |
Who are our customers?
HedeDanmark's customers are primarily public authorities (B2G) as well as small and large private companies (B2B) where we can utilise our economies of scale, efficient processes and equipment to the benefit of our customers.
Our customers are among others:
Municipalities, state, small and large companies, utility companies, industry, Christmas tree producers, forest owners, schools, special and day-care centres, nursing homes, farmers and plot owners, house owners' associations, housing associations, property companies and investors, nurseries and seed dealers.
Our values
In HedeDanmark, we pay extreme attention to how we influence and affect the development of nature, i.e. in Danish forests, open areas and in towns and cities. This is expressed in our vision and values.
Our vision: We build a sustainable future - with nature as a partner
As a part of Hedeselskabet, we work to counteract and mitigate climate change by limiting and compensating for CO2 emissions, replacing CO2-heavy materials with alternatives and through climate protection solutions. We help to increase biodiversity and develop effective solutions for full utilization of nature's scarce resources and for recycling.
Our core values
HedeDanmark's three core values are a unifying principle for everything we do.
- Professionalism: Competent employees are crucial to HedeDanmark and our customers. That's why we keep focusing on recruiting and retaining professionally competent employees who are trained on an ongoing basis to allow us to handle jobs of all types, including large, professionally demanding and complex jobs.
- Added value: Customers, the environment, climate and society alike must benefit from our work. We keep our focus on the economy in all the phases of a job and on adding value for many in the work we do.
- Innovation: As a leading green service company in Scandinavia, we are committed to seeking new and improved ways of doing things. New IT solutions, working methods or how to collaborate with our customers.
Our code of conduct
Our code of conduct shows you what to expect when you meet an employee of HedeDanmark.
- We keep our promises
- We are positive and accommodating
- We take the initiative
- We act responsibly
- We treat others as we would like to be treated
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in HedeDanmark
In HedeDanmark, we act according to the principles of the UN Global Compact and our mission to help handle our jobs in and with nature on a high professional, ethical and profitable level. Therefore, we, of course, assume responsibility for the society of which we form part. To ensure this, we target our CSR work which is anchored in our management group and takes place in close collaboration with the key persons in HedeDanmark.
Our objectives of CSR are to:
- Develop products and services to the benefit of customers, the company and society.
- Minimise and prevent negative influence on generally recognised principles to ensure environment, human and employment rights and to prevent corruption.
Our CSR work means that we have:
- Responsible supplier control: our partners must help ensure well-ordered pay and working conditions in the Danish labour market.
- Anti-corruption policies: a tool in the fight against corruption and as an aid for our employees to ensure that together we are complying with the expectations and norms set by ourselves and the outside world. Read our anti-corruption policy.
- CSR annual reports: made according to Section 99a of the Danish Financial Statements Act and constituting HedeDanmark's statutory statement of social responsibility. You can find our CSR reports in our management's review on www.cvr.dk.
- A collaboration code: explains our expectations of working conditions, human rights, environment and - of corruption, bribery and cartel operation. This applies to all HedeDanmark's suppliers. Find our contractor code of conduct here.